Toasting the Masters

Our Toastmasters Club has made it to their one year anniversary!

Snyder Langston started a Toastmasters Club in May of 2014. It resulted from the executive team’s desire to further employees’ professional skills – particularly in Public Speaking and Communication.

Toastmasters President, John Gunther, championed the effort and mentored employees throughout the program. Twenty team members formally joined Toastmasters International, established the Snyder Langston Toastmasters Club, and embarked on a journey toward better communication.

Congrats to our members for participating in this and completing one year. Below is a list of inaugural club members and club officers who played an additional role:

1) Kelsey Knapp
2) Ryan Carroll
3) Greg McClure
4) Brian Coffman
5) Aaron Scherer
6) Danny Sumner
7) Marivic Ha
8) Greg Sanders
9) Andrew Kline
10) Steve Gabbert
11) Wendy Ballam
12) Al Densmore
13) Jesse Deyden
14) Joel Shirbroun
15) Dave Webb
16) Chad Divine
17) Dustin Bianchi
18) Peter Jeong
19) John Rochford

Club Officers:

President – John Gunther

Vice President of Education – Chad Divine
• Tracked each member’s progress through the TM Competent Communicator Handbook and helped organize meetings

Club Treasurer/Coordinator – Wendy Ballam
• Handled all $$, correspondence, and paper work with Toastmasters International as well as misc. coordinating duties

Sergeant at Arms – Al Densmore
• Prepared the meeting room with all necessary equipment and organization in order to have a fun, organized, and timely meeting

Oh and some interesting trivia… Snyder Langston constructed the Toastmasters International Headquarters building in Rancho Santa Margarita. It was only a matter of time before we join up again. This time, we’re building our Public Speaking skills with them instead.